Wunderbar Together: A Report on the Diverse and Thriving Cincinnati-Munich Relationship

Ute Päpke, President of the Munich Sister City Association of Greater Cincinnati, submitted a report on the strength and diversity of the Munich-Cincinnati relationship, including its numerous forms of exchange, […]
Wunderbar Together: A Nashville-Magdeburg Partnership Sharing Celebrations, Historical Remembrance, and Solutions

The partnership between Nashville, TN and Magdeburg, Germany is ever-evolving and rich with cultural festivals, historical remembrance, collaboration in disaster relief and global challenges, and regular person-to-person exchange. The partnership […]
Wunderbar Together: Brewing Business Diplomacy between Fort Worth and Trier

Increasingly, business partnerships between sister cities are strengthening international business ties and economic development. US-German sister cities Fort Worth and Trier have partnered on a Wild Acre Kraft Haus beer, […]
Wunderbar Together: Stories of the Lasting Impact of US-German Exchange

Sister city partnerships create a lasting impact not only through their scope, but also through the depth of the person-to-person connections they foster. The impact of participating in a sister […]
Wunderbar Together: Celebrating 20 Years of the West Chicago – Taufkirchen (Vils) Partnership

Originating in both German-American exchange and a love story, the partnership between West Chicago Sister Cities and Taufkirchen (Vils) has just celebrated its 20th anniversary. The robust and innovative partnership […]
Find a German Sister City Partnership Near You!
Germany has the fourth most US sister cities in the world, with approximately 100 partnerships across 31 states (including marked Friendship Cities and Emeritus Cities). Looking to strengthen the transatlantic […]
Wunderbar Together: A Waterloo-Porta Westfalica Connection Formed in Heritage and Music, Sustained in Exchange

With its official biennial visits, summer student exchanges, scholarships, and a 5,000-strong “Portafest,” Waterloo’s ever-growing portfolio of programs with its sister city of Porta Westfalica, Germany has netted it “Illinois […]
Wunderbar Together: A Norfolk-Wilhelmshaven Exchange Transcending Generations

Even a fleeting international exchange can challenge perceptions, break down stereotypes, and build mutual respect for other cultures and customs. However, often the intercultural friendships fostered by Sister Cities programming […]